Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Jet Boat

Monday 11th February

Forgot to mention that yesterday on the way up we stopped at a honey factory for breakfast. One Japanese guy we were travelling with bought himself some toast but seemed to think the honey pots on the table came with it and pinched one as a souvenir. However the bus driver discovered him with it and was less than amused and confiscated it. Hilarious.

Was not quite sure as to which bus to choose to travel with at it seemed that everyone had a difference of opinion. In the end I opted for Kiwi as they were offering 35% off and the Magic and Stray buses always seem empty (whereas the Kiwi ones are packed everyday). Whether this proves to be a wise decision I am yet to discover but so far I have met some lovely people (and my age too). However they have been at the end of their trip so will have to see when I head south who I end up with.

Today I went on a jet boat around the bay through the 'Hole in the Rock' one of the Bay's famous attractions (and yes it is just that) as well as stopping off at some of the other islands. It was great fun and we saw dolphins and allegedly a whale (but not convinced at that). As the boat goes so fast you are hurled up in the air most of the time. For the girls this is fine but the lads were a little sore after it.

Decided to make my own dinner tonight in the hope of conserving money but have a little yet to learn in the art of economising I think (although the hostels are as basic as anything). I opted for a ready made salad and added some blue cheese and melon. Delicious but not overly cheap in comparison to the others packet pasta and sauce. Well I enjoyed it, despite a few laughs.

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