Sunday 6 July 2008

Magnetic Island

Keen to break up the journey between Airlie Beach (otherwise known as Scary Beach because everyone goes crazy after their boat trips) I decided to stop off at Magnetic Island. Plus as I had already done white water rafting and a sky dive, there was little point stopping off at Mission Beach.

Magnetic Island is a tiny little island situated 20 minutes by ferry from Townsville. It is very underdeveloped which makes the scenery so much more spectacular, with very few shops and accommodation. Chloe and I decided to stay at the YHA, which consists of wooden bungalows set amongst the forest. It was gorgeous and only a few minutes walk to the beach at Horeshoe Bay so we had some beers on the front the first night and watched the sunset.

The next day we wanted to explore the island, as well as try and catch up with friends staying in a hostel the opposite side to us, so we decided to hire a Barbie topless car (a little Moke). Driving round in it all day was great fun. We visited the different beaches as well as taking the well known Forts Walk where the Koalas reside. We were lucky enough to spot four. Plus they were really close to the path so we were able to take some great pictures too.

As I was meeting Paula in Cairns the following lunchtime I took the overnight bus which was once again packed, so I got very little sleep and arrived at 6am the following morning feeling quite jaded.

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